For the hungry creative who’s finally ready to make the money you deserve:

Give me 12 weeks and I’ll show you what it takes to build a 6-figure creative career

(without sacrificing your worth)

FULL DISCLAIMER: This is the portioned version of my Signature Coaching Course, Easy as Pie Pricing. Same delicious meal without the Group Coaching! Rather the Group Coaching? Jump on the waitlist here

For the hungry creative who’s finally ready to make the money you deserve:

Give me 12 weeks and I’ll show you what it takes to build a 6-figure creative career

(without sacrificing your worth)

The Common Problem

So many creatives have been trying to increase their worth, grow their business beyond the billable hour, and feeling like they are left hungry…

Here is my goal for you

Build a strong, successful and profitable business that you can grow with, be proud of and make a comfortable living doing what you love.

I have no doubt that, at some stage in your creative career, someone has expected you to work for ‘exposure’ (or something equally as insulting).

One of my favourite responses is to ask them to do the same for me.

If they’re a chef, tell them you’re having 50 guests over who might hire them if they do a good enough job. They’ll need to provide all the food, equipment, do the set up and clean up afterwards. Sounds absurd, right?

That’s because it is.

For things to change, someone must be bold enough to change them.

That is where you come in.

You deserve to be confidently charging what you’re actually worth.

Your skills are no less important than anyone else’s, and you’ve probably trained longer and harder to get where you are.

That is where you come in.

You deserve to be confidently charging what you’re actually worth.

Your skills are no less important than anyone else’s, and you’ve probably trained longer and harder to get where you are.

Here are the problems you’re probably facing as a creative…

In fact, I’m sure you are, because I’ve been there too.

This is why I created the Easy as Pie Pricing Course,
for the creative I used to be.

I was like you, a designer who had the creative skills of a superhero but no idea how to market them and confidently charge my worth.

Now, after a long period of trial and error, I’m still a designer.

The difference is that now I consistently, year after year, earn a six-figure salary.

Not six-figure total, six-figure profit.

You deserve this too.

The Easy As Pie Pricing Course is now officially open (and packed with added value) to teach you how you can do it too.

It’s time to build the creative career you deserve.

The Easy As Pie Pricing Course is now officially open (and packed with added value) to teach you how I do it too.

It’s time to build the creative career you deserve.

So what’s on the menu for this degustation of knowledge? Click below to watch the introduction!

It’s time to bake more profit into your creative crust and charge more dough for what you do.

Here’s what we’ll work on together

Week 1

Hourly Rates

Hourly Rates

In week one, we are going to start with Hourly Pricing. During this week, we will look at hourly pricing, explore how we can calculate the rate we place on our time and by the end of the week, you’ll know your own personal billable hourly rate and understand it doesn’t stop there.

Week 2

Project Rates

Project Rates

In week two, we will then be looking at Project Pricing. We’ll focus on how you can structure your offerings so you can serve up solutions to your clients that fill their plate. We’ll also be looking at how you can add in value, kinda like a meal deal, and give you more opportunities to package up your services.

Week 3

Value Based Rates

Value Based Rates

Week three is Value Based Pricing week, where we will discover the recipe to Value Based Pricing. We’ll break down how to research value based pricing, what questions to ask and how to price based on the specifics of each job.

Week 4

Licensing Rates

Licensing Rates

In week four, we have a guest expert call to explore Licensing Pricing. To start the week, we’ll do a quick overview of licensing and the structure, but then we’ll be joined by Katie and Ilana from Loomier to get a Licensing Masterclass. This is going to be an epic meal, with an absolute jam-packed expert call.

Week 5

Positioning your Pie

Positioning your Pie

Now that we have explored all the pricing models, we’re now going to turn our attention to looking at your creative business itself. The way you position yourself, the flavours you serve, the way you talk about your business all make a difference! By the end of week 5, you’ll know how to confidently communicate your value, your rates, your services and your why in front of your target market.

Week 6

Selling your Slice

Selling your Slice

Week six we’re gonna talk about something that makes creatives squirm; Sales and Selling your Slice. For this module, it’s going to be looking at sales in a new way than you’re used to. None of that used car salesman stuff, this is about making sales easier to swallow and feel less sleazy.

Week 7

Customer Journey

Customer Journey

By week seven, we’re going to be ready to start talking about your Customer Journey. Just like the perfect meal, you’re going to look at how to plan out a menu so that you can control the way a new customer consumes your product or service. By the end of this week, we’ll have a clear picture of who you’re serving, what you are serving up and how you plan to connect with your ideal customer. Basically I want you ready for when your ideal customer places their order.

Week 8

Invoicing & Quoting

Invoicing & Quoting

Week eight we are tackling Quoting and Invoicing, which can sometimes feel like sticking your head in custard. We’ll break down estimating, quoting and invoicing, I’ll show you how to present as a professional so you can charge the pro rates, and we’ll cover some of the practices when it comes to your processes.

Week 9

Contracts & Legal

Contracts & Legal

Now we have another guest expert call for week nine covering the topic of Contracts and Legals. Riz from Foundd Legal is going to give us the lowdown on Terms and Conditions, Contracts and all the legal elements you need to know to cover yourself as a creative business owner. When it comes to the legal side of things, it’s more valuable to cover yourself early than get bitten later!

Week 10



Week 10 is all about Negotiation. You know when a client tells you no, it’s too expensive? This isn’t the end of the meal! This module we will deep dive into how to negotiate more into your agreements, how to navigate when the budget isn’t there and steer your client away from treating your working together like an auction.

Week 11

After Sales

After Sales

Once you have your clients, you’re working on their projects and you’re running your business, it’s time to look at your After Sales. At the end of the day, your clients that you have are the most valuable resource you have. As part of Week 11, I’m going to show you how to really untilise the clients who love what you serve, teach your clients to be not only your fans but your biggest promoters through word of mouth.

Week 12

Review & FAQ

Review & FAQ

And finally, week 12. We’ll review the entire course, have a week that we can recap anything that you want further help with and talk about next steps of how you’re going to take your creative career from Starving Artist to Hungry Creative.

This serving of the Easy as Pie Pricing Course is EXACTLY the same as my Signature Pricing Course, but with the Group Coaching serving removed.

Like a pizza without olives…

Every week, every subject, every step of the way,
pricing strategies to help you succeed and profit.

“Jasmine is a GOLD MINE”

I’ve been in the graphic design world for over 10 years and I’ve been underpricing myself for the most part of it.

What I’ve learnt from her about usage rights and pricing has totally changed the perspective I work with clients and has brought my design game to a whole new level.

Jimbo Bernaus | @shoutbam | Lettering Artist and Illustrator

“I wish I had this course when I first became a freelancer!”

It would have made a huge difference in how I approached my freelancing career!

This course has all the right ingredients – they are well thought out, prepared in ways that would make a Michelin star restaurant proud, all topped off with Jaz’s incredible passion and authentic personality.

Nikita Prokhorov | @typebynikita | Lettering Artist & Ambigram Specialist

“I came across a little pickle in my business, and just like Superwoman, Jaz came to my rescue!”

She has a wonderful knack for listening and is very insightful, particularly involving business challenges, no matter how big or little your woes.

I was very fortunate to have her as a guide to help with topics such as raising my rates and improving client relations and day-to-day operations. Thank you Jaz for equipping me with some great tips and tricks to help my business grow.

Lyn Tran | @drawandexplore_ | Lettering Artist and Illustrator

This course is PERFECT for you if...

  • You want to take your creative business to another level and grow but don’t know where to even begin.

  • You’re willing to do the work, show up without excuse, deliver and report the results you get.
  • You want to get things done more efficiently in your business without the overwhelming to do lists.
  • You want to make more money from your creative work without exhausting yourself everyday.

This course is NOT for you if...

  • You’re not ready to put in the energy to do the work and show up for yourself.
  • You’re looking for a way to get rich quick without putting in the work.
  • You’re not committed enough to change your life and you’re just trying things out.
  • You’re not ready to get out of your comfort zone and expand your horizons.

Meat your Teacher!

Hi, I’m Jaz, your Pricing Queen

If you’re in or around Melbourne, you might’ve seen this teal clad, pie-obsessed, superwoman flying around town. She can shovel an apple crumble in with one hand, while simultaneously bringing in a six-figure income with the other.

Fondly known in the business world as ‘The Pricing Queen’, Jaz is here for all creative freelancers. Knowing how and what to charge is a common challenge in this industry, one that Jaz knows all too well. With 14 years now under her belt, she’s made all the mistakes so you don’t have to.

Jaz is here to be the person she needed all those years ago. It’s time to confidently charge your worth and make 2022 your most profitable yet.

You deserve to build a creative career that makes you proud and makes you profit.

“Jaz was extremely generous in her time & expertise”

She was unreserved yet empathetic in tackling difficult subjects (money among them) to cut through to the core of my struggles and pain points.

She is an obvious success in her field, and uses her own gains and experience to help lift other creatives out of harmful, self-sabotaging practices. I really value my chats with Jaz and will continue to draw on them throughout my career.

Julie | @dooublevision | Graphic Designer & Horticulturalist

“Leave it to Jasmine to take something as daunting as pricing and make it fun!”

The course has so much wise and clear advice for each and every client inquiry that will land in your inbox.

The modules, including helpful worksheets and email templates, are jam-packed with valuable pricing, mindset, and communication strategies.

By providing artists with the tools to charge accurate rates, Jasmine is empowering artists to achieve a sustainable career instead of burning out on discounted services.

Noah Camp | @noahcampdesign | 3D Type Creator & Illustrator

“Thank you so much for creating this course Jaz, it’s EXACTLY what I was looking for.”

Coming across Jasmine’s Easy as Pie Pricing Course has really opened up my eyes to a whole new world as far as pricing my artwork goes.

So many “oh yeah” moments where I really have come to realise my earning potential, the value of my work and the value of myself as a creative.

I now feel I have all the ingredients I need to be confident in my pricing abilities and also, importantly, confident in the value of my artwork.

Caroline Cooper | @carolinecoopercreative | Graphic Designer & Illustrator

You got questions, I got answers…

Each topic is delivered through a weekly video, podcast (audio only), or downloadable PDF.  You will also receive access to the pantry of extras (think calculators, templates, spreadsheets and more).

This is the reduced portion of my Signature Pricing Course that has a Group Coaching aspect included. If you get to week 3 and want to upgrade to the Group Coaching included, you totally can, just send me an email!

Yes! We definitely won’t leave you to figure it out for yourself. While the lesson videos are pre-recorded (so you can consume them at your leisure), you’ll also have the ability to personally email me whenever you need.

You will have
access to our online Facebook group to connect with and learn from like-minded creatives.

Basically, you are FAR from alone in this!

Sure is! Just select PayPal pay in 4 at checkout!

I offer a full 30-day money back guarantee. Provided you can demonstrate you have done the work and put in the required effort, I will refund your money in 30 days if required.

Unless you’re billing in actual dollarydoos, this course is for any creative billing in any currency. The numbers are all used as examples, but the framework of how to bill and calculate your creative crust is able to be applied to all currencies.

You’re going to say I’m biased, and I don’t blame you. However, let me put your mind at ease. I’ve had
countless past students build successful, thriving businesses after learning how to do what I’ve done.

Still unsure? No worries at all!

Now I know what you’re wondering…

How much does the program cost?

It comes down to these simple facts;

Things don’t change unless you change them.

You cannot do the same thing and expect different results.

As business owners, we all pay in different ways no matter what.

When it doing it alone, we pay with our time and energy and too many mistakes.

As someone who’s been in the creative industry for 14 years, I’m constantly heartbroken seeing this same pricing struggle over and over again.

Creatives everywhere are struggling with impostor syndrome, anxiety, and self-doubt simply because nobody has taught them how and what to charge.

My course is an investment that will truly change the trajectory of your career.

I totally get it; I’m just a pie-loving internet stranger who wears a lot of teal.

Why the heck should you trust me?

First of all, I’ve been where you are, and I’ve learned the things. For the last few years, I’ve consistently run a six-figure business as a creative. Surely that means I’m doing something right?

But I get it. You’re hesitant to part with your money (even though it’ll make you more money)

That’s why I’m offering a 30-day money-back guarantee.

You are required to do the work and give it your best, but you have my promise. If, by week three, you still don’t find value in the course, I’ll refund your money.

Ready to master your pricing in 2022?

*Note* Price is GST inclusive. All purchases made outside Australia will not incur the GST charge, but may be subject to conversion fees.

Single Serve Payment

$597 AUD

12 weeks worth of pricing perfection, delivered to your inbox each week so you can digest each lesson as it comes.

Access to Pantry of Resources, Masterclasses and More!

I’m here to help you bake more profit into your creative crust and charge good dough for what you do well.

If you’re ready to change from a Starving Artist to a Hungry Creative, I’m ready to help you get there, so let’s dig in!